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Meet Jenna Clifford

Jenna Clifford Design Jewellers presented us with a diverse set of needs, including website maintenance, custom development, analytical digital marketing services, and account setup & recovery. Their dedication to excellence in the Jewellery and Homeware industry was clear.

About Jenna Clifford

Established in South Africa 1992, we are a family owned custom jewellery design company specialising in bespoke pieces including rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces and trophies. Creating pieces from diamonds, pearls, sapphires, emeralds and many other gem stones with platinum, gold, silver or pewter. Jenna Clifford’s personal approach to jewellery design sets our work and your experience with us apart. In addition Jenna Clifford’s homeware range of cutlery, crockery, glassware and coffees make affordable gifts. Our belief that craftsmanship begins with conversation means that we have a deeply personal relationship with our clients, a quality that adds to the uniqueness of every Jenna Clifford piece and making it a lifestyle investment.


Facebook & Instagram

Account Verification

68% Increase

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

50-80% Increase

Online Sales

Facebook And Instagram

Verification Badge

68% Increase

Search Traffic

23% Increase

Client Engagement

Elevating Online Presence

Our partnership with Jenna Clifford is focused on maximizing online presence. This endeavor involves not only the setup and configuration of digital accounts. We’re proud to have established a comprehensive digital footprint, which enables us to continually refine and strengthen Jenna Clifford’s online presence, a pivotal factor in their digital success.

A Path of Experimentation

At Jenna Clifford, we’ve embarked on a journey of data-driven results. Employing split tests and diverse experiments, we tailor strategies to generate high-quality leads specific to the jewellery and homeware industry. This involves harnessing the targeting capabilities of various platforms like Google, Facebook (including Instagram under Meta’s branch). The outcomes are already visible, showcasing the results achieved through our collaborative efforts.

Unlocking Emotional Triggers for Digital Success

Jewellery and homeware purchases are deeply intertwined with emotions, and we understand this at Jenna Clifford. Our approach is rooted in leveraging psychological triggers strategically, embedded in their website and ad campaigns. These triggers resonate with the audience, resulting in great outcomes and higher conversion rates. Our focus is on creating unforgettable experiences that linger with customers long after they’ve engaged with Jenna Clifford online.

Schedule Your Call With One Of Our Consultants

Free 15-minute discovery call

By the end of this call, you will have a clear understanding of the next steps you can take for your business to start generating consistent and reliable results with paid media.

Find a time on Martin’s calendar to schedule your call today and we look forward to speaking to you soon!

This audit call is perfect for:

  • ​Businesses looking to take their offline business online.
  • ​Businesses looking to understand their increased revenue potential.
  • ​Businesses looking to maximize their outreach & sales.
  • ​Businesses looking for a reliable company that can make their company a priority.